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What Happens if a Sex Offender Registers Using False Information?

 Posted on November 25, 2024 in Sex Crimes

MD defense lawyerBeing on the sex offender’s registry can lead to a lot of embarrassing and uncomfortable situations. Your neighbors are likely to find out, especially if you are subject to the notification requirement, and they may react strongly. You might be worried about being harassed or having the police called if you do something as innocuous as waving to a group of children while you are getting the mail. There may be backlash at work if word gets out about your status.

It can become tempting to use false information when you update your registration - or to not update it at all. Making a genuine mistake when you write down a new address or employer information is also possible, especially since sex offenders may move or change jobs frequently. If you are caught providing false information or fail to update your registry information, you can be charged with a crime. You will need an aggressive Glen Burnie, MD sex offense attorney to help you.

Providing a False Home Address as a Sex Offender

Providing a false home address or failing to update your address when you move is likely to be taken very seriously by law enforcement. Police want to know where registered sex offenders are living in case there is an incident and are interested in making sure community members can be informed if there is a sex offender living nearby.

However, people who are required to register are often fearful about having their current home address made public. Using any address but the address where you currently live is considered a criminal offense. This means you cannot: 

  • Move without updating your address - Even if you are staying with different people or moving around a lot, it is important to make sure the state has the correct address at all times. 
  • Fail to report a change in housing status - If you become homeless or were homeless and find a place to stay, it is important to immediately update your registry to reflect this. Homeless sex offenders may be asked to report an approximate location where they can be found. 
  • "Rent a room" on paper - Some sex offenders will make arrangements with an acquaintance so that they can use the acquaintance’s address on their registration rather than the address where they are currently staying. 

Other Information That Must Be Accurately Reported

You must also make sure to accurately report: 

  • Who your employer is, even if you only work part-time. 
  • Whether you are a resident of Maryland. 
  • Where you go to school, even if you are not degree-seeking or only go to school with other adults. 

Contact a Glen Burnie, MD Sex Offender Registry Issues Attorney

Seger Law, LLC can help if you have been accused of providing inaccurate information to the sex offenders’ registry. Experienced Baltimore County, MD sex offender registration lawyer Chelsey Seger will represent you aggressively. Contact us at 443-208-4692 for a complimentary consultation.

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