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Towson Handgun Violation Attorney

Handgun Violation Attorney Ready to Fight for Client's Rights in Towson

Gun violence is an ongoing issue in the United States, and regulations have been put in place at both the state and federal levels to help protect public safety and ensure that firearms can be used responsibly. Handguns are of particular concern to lawmakers and law enforcement officials, since they can be easily concealed and carried into locations where they may present a threat to others. The laws in Maryland restrict the possession and carrying of handguns in certain locations and situations, and people who are accused of violating these regulations may be charged with gun crimes.

At Seger Law, LLC, we believe in protecting the 2nd Amendment rights of Maryland residents, and we work to help our clients address weapons charges involving handguns or other types of firearms. With our strong understanding of state and federal firearm regulations, we can provide effective representation for those who have been charged with handgun violations, helping them avoid convictions and ensure that they can maintain their right to own and carry handguns and other weapons.

Criminal Charges Related to Handguns in Maryland

Under Maryland law, handguns are defined as pistols, revolvers, or other firearms that a person can carry while keeping concealed. These include short-barreled rifles with barrels under 16 inches and short-barreled shotguns with barrels under 18 inches. Any other rifles or shotguns that have been modified or altered to be carried by hand and concealed may be classified as handguns if they are less than 26 inches long.

Handgun violations typically involve illegal possession, wearing, carrying, or transporting of firearms. They may apply if a person carries a handgun on their body or transports a handgun in their vehicle. Open or concealed carrying of handguns is generally prohibited unless a person has a valid Handgun Qualification License (HQL) and/or a Wear and Carry Permit. Some exceptions apply, including for law enforcement officials and members of the armed forces who carry handguns as part of their official equipment. Handguns can also be carried or transported when engaging in events such as target practice, sport shooting events, and hunting. A person is also allowed to possess and carry a handgun while at their home or business.

A person who violates handgun regulations may be charged with a misdemeanor, and if convicted, the penalties that may apply will depend on the circumstances of the alleged offense. For a first offense, a person may be sentenced to between 30 days and five years in prison, and they may be fined between $250 and $2,500. If a person had previously been convicted of a handgun violation or another firearm offense, they may be sentenced to between one and 10 years in prison. If a person has two or more previous firearm convictions, they may be sentenced to between three and 10 years.

Because of the dangers to students in school shootings, more serious penalties may apply if a person is charged with handgun violations in a school. In these cases, a first offense will carry a mandatory minimum sentence of 90 days. A person who has a previous conviction on firearm charges may be sentenced to a minimum of three years and a maximum of 10 years. If there were two previous firearm convictions, a person may face a sentence of between five and 10 years.

Contact Our Towson Handgun Charges Defense Attorney

Due to the state of Maryland's commitment to maintaining public safety, handgun violations are taken seriously by law enforcement, and they can result in serious penalties. At Seger Law, LLC, our criminal defense attorney can provide crucial legal support in these situations. We are prepared to advocate for your rights and help you avoid serious penalties while ensuring that you will be able to continue to possess and use firearms. Contact our Maryland weapons charges lawyer at 443-208-4692 to discuss your case in a complimentary consultation.

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