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Case Results

Listed below are just a few of our more recent verdicts:

Sex abuse of a minor and sexual offenses case dismissed in Baltimore city circuit court.

Sexual offense in 3rd and 4th degree in Baltimore City reduced to second degree assault, no jail, no sexual offender registration in Baltimore City.

Sexual offense dismissed and resolved with second degree assault plea w/ no sex offender registration requirement in Harford County.

Failure to register as a sex offender cases dismissed in Charles County Circuit Court, Baltimore City, Baltimore County, and other jurisdictions.

Complaints for Declaratory Relief removing individuals from MD sex offender registry granted in multiple jurisdictions.

Felony possession/distribution of child pornography cases reduced to misdemeanors in Baltimore City & County, Prince George’s, and Harford Counties.

Felony firearm possession and multiple counts for handgun violation case - Defense Motion to Suppress for a 4th Amendment Violation in Anne Arundel County Circuit Court (Annapolis) GRANTED and case dismissed.

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