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Catonsville Criminal Defense Attorney

Criminal Defense Attorney Fighting For Clients in Catonsville

Facing criminal charges in Catonsville, Maryland can be a daunting experience. The potential consequences of a conviction may impact every facet of your life. At Seger Law, LLC, we understand the gravity of your situation, and we are committed to offering effective legal representation across a broad spectrum of criminal cases. Our dedicated attorney is well-versed in Maryland's legal system, with experience in both prosecution and defense of criminal charges. We can help you build a strategic defense tailored to the specifics of your case. We can address a wide variety of criminal charges, including:

Violent Crimes

Offenses involving harm to others are treated with utmost severity in the legal system, and they often carry significant penalties. We can provide representation for people charged with multiple types of violent crimes, including:

  • Assault and battery: These offenses, which involve causing bodily harm to another person or making threats to inflict injuries, are classified under the general category of assault.
  • Domestic violence: Accusations of violence or abuse between family members or people in intimate relationships can lead to protective orders and criminal charges.
  • Homicide and manslaughter: Murder generally involves intentional killing, while manslaughter refers to unintentional killing due to recklessness or negligence.
  • Robbery and carjacking: A person may be charged with robbery if they are accused of taking property through force or threats. When an offense involves a motor vehicle, a person may be charged with carjacking.

Drug Crimes

Drug-related offenses can vary widely in severity depending on the types and amounts of substances involved and the circumstances of a case. Our attorney handles drug crime cases involving:

  • Possession of controlled substances: Carrying, holding, or storing drugs without authorization (such as a valid prescription) can lead to serious criminal charges.
  • Intent to distribute: Possession of large amounts of drugs may be seen as an indication that a person intends to sell or distribute them.
  • Drug trafficking: Bringing drugs into the state from other states or countries will often lead to more serious penalties.

Sex Crimes

The stigma and consequences of sex crime allegations are profound. We offer defense for accusations involving offenses such as:

  • Sexual assault: Depending on whether an offense involved allegations of non-consensual sexual intercourse or sexual contact, a person may be charged with rape or a sexual offense.
  • Child pornography: The creation, distribution, or possession of sexually explicit material featuring minors can lead to serious criminal charges that carry severe penalties.
  • Online solicitation of a minor: An adult may be charged with this offense if they communicate with a child electronically and attempt to meet them or engage in activities that would be considered sex crimes.
  • Revenge pornography: Posting intimate images or videos online or through other means without a person's consent can lead to criminal charges.

White Collar Crimes

Offenses involving deceit or theft for financial gain are generally classified as white collar crimes. We defend clients against charges like:

  • Fraud: This may include any form of deception intended to result in financial or personal gain.
  • Embezzlement: A person may face theft charges due to allegations of misappropriating funds entrusted to their care by an employer or other parties.
  • Insider trading: Making transactions involving stocks or other securities based on material, non-public information can lead to criminal charges.
  • Money laundering: Concealing the origins of illegally obtained money, typically through transfers involving foreign banks or legitimate businesses is a criminal offense.


Driving under the influence is a serious offense in Maryland, and people who are convicted may be required to pay large fines, serve time in prison, and have their driving privileges suspended or revoked. We handle cases involving:

  • DUI (Driving Under the Influence): This offense generally involves driving with a blood alcohol content (BAC) over the legal limit of .08 percent.
  • DWI (Driving While Impaired): This charge may apply if a person drives a vehicle while impaired by alcohol or drugs, even if they are not over the legal limit.
  • Underage DUI: Minors under the age of 21 who drive after using alcohol or drugs may face criminal charges and penalties affecting their driver's licenses.

Gun Crimes

Maryland has strict gun laws, and residents of the state may be charged with gun crimes such as:

  • Illegal possession or carrying of a firearm: This offense involves owning or carrying a gun without the necessary licenses or permits. People may face charges related to handguns, rifles, shotguns, or other types of firearms.
  • Felony firearm possession: People who are prohibited from possessing or carrying firearms may face felony charges if they violate these restrictions.

Juvenile Crimes

In cases involving young offenders, the justice system will often recognize their capacity for change and rehabilitation. We can help minors defend against juvenile charges involving offenses such as:

  • Vandalism: Minors may be charged with deliberately damaging property, including unauthorized painting or marking.
  • Underage drinking: Consuming alcohol can result in criminal charges for those who are below the legal age limit.
  • Theft and shoplifting: Children may be accused of unlawfully taking property belonging to someone else.

Contact Our Catonsville, Maryland Criminal Defense Attorney

At Seger Law, LLC, we are dedicated to providing residents of Catonsville and other communities in the areas surrounding Baltimore with legal help in criminal cases. We are dedicated to helping our clients navigate through complex legal situations, ensuring that their side of the story is heard while defending their rights at all times. For a free consultation, contact us today at 443-208-4692.

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