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Towson Child Pornography Defense Attorney

Criminal Attorney Providing Aggressive Defense To Client Facing Child Pornography Charges in Maryland

The possession, distribution, or production of child pornography are serious sex crimes, and those who are accused of these offenses will often be treated very harshly by law enforcement. Because crimes against children are taken so seriously by the criminal justice system, child pornography offenses are likely to lead to severe penalties. The effects of these charges can extend beyond the legal system, affecting a person's reputation, family relationships, and career. Because of this, legal representation from an experienced attorney is crucial for anyone who has been charged with crimes involving child pornography.

Seger Law, LLC provides legal help and representation for people who have been accused of sex crimes involving children. We know how these types of charges can affect a person and their family, and we work to ensure that our clients can address accusations involving child pornography and defend against criminal charges. We are dedicated to fighting for the rights of those who have been accused of sensitive crimes, and we work to resolve these matters while protecting our clients' reputations and helping them avoid penalties that could cause significant difficulties in their lives and impact their relationships with their children or other loved ones.

Child Pornography Laws in Maryland

Maryland law criminalizes activities related to child pornography, which may include photographs, videos, films, or other visual representations of children engaging in sexual conduct. That is, if a child under the age of 16 is depicted engaging in sexual intercourse or other sexual conduct, or if materials depict nudity, the touching of genitals or other private parts, or a child in a state of sexual excitement or arousal, the images or videos in question will be considered child pornography. Materials will be considered child pornography if they include visual depictions that are indistinguishable from an actual, identifiable child, including computer-generated images or videos that are adapted or modified from other visual materials.

A person may be charged with possession of child pornography if they knowingly possess, retain, access, or intentionally view materials that are classified as child pornography. Possessing printed materials or films, downloading images or videos to a computer, or accessing child pornography on the internet could potentially lead to criminal charges. A first offense of possession of child pornography is a misdemeanor, and a conviction may result in a prison sentence of up to five years and/or a fine of up to $2,500. A second offense is a felony, and a person may be sentenced to up to 10 years and/or fined up to $10,000.

Producing or distributing child pornography is a more serious offense that is always classified as a felony. A person may be charged with producing or creating child pornography if they induce or allow a minor to engage in sexual conduct that is photographed, filmed, or depicted or described using a computer. Distribution of child pornography may involve any activities in which images, videos, or other visual depictions are sent, transferred, or otherwise distributed to others. A person may also be charged with distribution of child pornography if they possess material with the intent to distribute it to others or if they advertise, promote, or solicit child pornography. A first offense of producing or distributing child pornography may result in a prison sentence of up to 10 years and/or a fine of up to $25,000. A second offense carries a maximum sentence of 20 years and/or a maximum fine of $50,000.

Contact Our Towson, Maryland Child Pornography Defense Lawyer

At Seger Law, LLC, we understand the gravity of child pornography charges and the impact they can have on your life, your family, your career, and your reputation. We can help you build a strong defense against these charges, ensuring that you can present a compelling case backed by evidence. Defense strategies may include demonstrating that you did not have knowledge of materials in your possession or that a person depicted was not a minor. We will diligently work towards achieving the best possible results in your case.

With the support of our dedicated legal team, you can mount a strong defense and take steps to protect your rights and your future. Please reach out to us at 443-208-4692 to set up a free consultation and get the legal representation you need as you defend against charges related to child pornography or other crimes against children.

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