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Towson Violent Crimes Attorneys

Dedicated and Skilled Defense Against Violent Crime Charges in Maryland

In Maryland, crimes involving violence are considered to be among the most serious offenses. Because violent crimes involve harm to others or the threat to inflict injuries, they can result in severe penalties for those who are convicted. In many cases, these offenses carry sentences of many years or multiple decades in prison, as well as large fines and other consequences. Alleged offenders may find their lives altered forever, and with criminal records indicating that they have committed violence against others, they may struggle to put their lives back together even after they have paid their debt to society. These consequences demonstrate the importance of skilled and experienced legal representation for those who are accused of violent crimes.

At Seger Law, LLC, we are dedicated to defending the rights of those who have been accused of violent offenses and other types of crimes. We provide legal counsel and representation for defendants, helping them understand the best steps they can take to minimize the penalties that may affect them both immediately and throughout the rest of their lives. With experience in both criminal prosecution and defense, Attorney Chelsey Seger knows how these cases are handled and understands the best strategies for success in these matters. We are prepared to advocate on your behalf as you defend against violent crime accusations.

Assault Charges

Assault generally involves offenses where someone intentionally injured someone else or acted in a way that caused them to fear that they would suffer harm. In Maryland, there are two degrees of assault. First-degree assault is a felony that involves intentionally causing serious physical injury to someone or using a firearm or another deadly weapon. The law treats this offense with utmost severity, reflecting the significant harm that may be inflicted on victims. Second-degree assault may involve less serious injuries or actions that put another person in fear of imminent harm. While second-degree assault is usually charged as a misdemeanor, a conviction may still carry substantial penalties.

Defense against assault charges may involve demonstrating self-defense, disputing the intent to harm, or challenging the credibility of the evidence presented. Our criminal defense attorney can meticulously examine a case's specifics, advocating for a defendant's rights and aiming for a favorable outcome.

Domestic Violence and Protective Orders

Domestic violence in Maryland includes a number of different types of abusive behaviors that may occur within romantic or family relationships. A person who is accused of committing violence against a member of their family or someone else who lives in their home may face criminal charges for offenses such as assault, sexual assault, false imprisonment, stalking, harassment, or revenge pornography.

To protect victims of domestic violence, Maryland law allows for the creation of protective orders (also known as restraining orders) that may impose strict limitations on a person who has been accused of domestic abuse. A restraining order may prohibit contact with the alleged victim, and it may potentially affect living arrangements, custody of children, and access to personal property. A person who is accused of violating a protective order may face additional criminal charges along with any charges related to the alleged domestic violence.

A criminal defense attorney can play a crucial role in domestic violence cases. Our lawyer can not only respond to accusations of abuse and contest criminal charges, but we can also ensure that issues related to protective orders will be handled correctly. We can provide guidance on how to avoid violations of protective orders while demonstrating that continued protections are not necessary.

Robbery and Carjacking Offenses

Violent crimes involving the taking of property from someone else through force, which may include robbery or carjacking, are some of the most serious offenses a person can face. Robbery is defined as taking property from someone by force or intimidation. It is a felony offense that carries serious penalties, and these penalties increase in cases involving accusations of armed robbery in which a person allegedly carried or used a dangerous weapon. Carjacking, the forceful taking of a vehicle, is often treated even more seriously, and a person who is convicted may be sentenced to multiple decades in prison.

Challenging the evidence, disputing the use of force or intimidation, and questioning the identification of the accused may be strategies to use for those who are accused of robbery or carjacking. Our attorney can review the prosecution's case against an alleged offender, looking for inconsistencies or procedural errors that could benefit the defense. We will work to ensure that charges can be reduced or dismissed while minimizing the ways a defendant's life may be affected.

Murder or Manslaughter

The most serious violent crime charges will be related to causing someone's death. Maryland defines first-degree murder as a premeditated killing or a murder committed while perpetrating another felony offense, such as robbery, carjacking, rape, burglary, or kidnapping. Other forms of murder involving accusations that a person intentionally killed someone are classified as second-degree murder. A first-degree murder conviction can result in a life sentence, while second-degree murder carries a maximum sentence of 40 years. Killing someone unintentionally may result in manslaughter charges, and a conviction for this offense may result in a prison sentence of up to 10 years.

Defending against homicide charges requires a nuanced understanding of the law and a strategic approach to challenging the prosecution's arguments and evidence. Our attorney can help determine the best defense strategies in these situations, which may include proving a lack of intent, establishing self-defense, or arguing that there were mitigating circumstances.

Contact Our Towson Violent Crimes Lawyer

At Seger Law, LLC, we are committed to providing our clients with the representation they need when they are facing charges related to violent crimes. Contact us at 443-208-4692 to discuss your case in a free consultation.

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